2024 Forest Grove GardenWalk June 8-9th

Register your garden for the 2024 Forest Grove GardenWalk!
We want gardens of all types, sizes, experience levels, and stages of development. Whether you have a garden that is a work in progress, or a masterpiece years in the making, if you have a garden you are proud of and want to show off, we want to see it!

Garden tour days will be split by locationwith each garden opening for one day, with all gardens in Forest Grove city limits.

About Us

The Forest Grove GardenWalk was started in 2022 to provide Forest Grove gardeners a venue to show off their gardens, no matter how big or small, new or long established, whether the garden is a novice or a master gardener.

 All gardens can inspire someone, even a small, newly established garden can provide encouragement and inspiration to a newer gardener, and show experienced gardeners a way of looking at gardening that they may never have considered.

Open Your Garden

What Does Showing My Garden Look Like?

1: You sign up here and fill in some information about your garden.
2: In late May, you will be contacted to review your sign-up and to be assigned 1 day of June 8 or 9th to be open, based on location within Forest Grove. We group open gardens to be generally in the same side of town on each day.
3: The weekend of the tour we drop off a sign for your yard.
4: On your open garden day, you put out the sign and can choose whether to be out in your garden that day. It’s a lot of fun to interact with the tourers, some will want to chat and ask about plants, designs, etc, others just come and go.

Is My Garden Ready/Good Enough/It Doesn’t Look Like HGTV

Real gardens are not show gardens, they can be messy, they take time to build, things go wrong.
But even a new garden, built by an inexperienced gardener can inspire and encourage the aspiring gardener who just got their first home with some space for a garden, or even the green thumb who sees a new way of doing things or a plant they never heard of.
If you have a garden space you are proud of, it is worth sharing withthe community.

My Front Yard Looks Great, But the Back is a Disaster.

No problem, our signs allow you to select how much of your garden you want to share and say whether the Front/Side/Back or all are open to the tour.

Do I have to show my Garden both days?

No, each garden is shown for 1 day of the weekend, we  assign tour days based on geographic location within Forest Grove.

What are the criteria for showing a garden?

You must be in the Forest Grove city limits, and have a garden you want to share! That’s it!

Do I need to provide food, bathrooms, beverages?

No, our map includes public restrooms for our garden walkers to use. You do not need to provide refreshments.

I want to share my garden, but I don’t want to talk to people.

You can choose how much of your garden to show, and how much to engage. Several hosts have shown just their front yard and chosen not to be outside during the tour.

Can I sell plants, art, cleaning supplies during my tour?

We ask that all garden hosts not sell or use the garden tour to promote their business, so the event remains non-commerical. Kids lemonade/snack stands and pre-approve garden related non-profits are allowed.

About Us

The Forest Grove GardenWalk was inspired by the Buffalo and Cleveland GardenWalks, events that see hundreds of gardens open, of all sizes, styles, and experience levels, to their community. While inspired by these events, we are growing the Forest Grove GardenWalk to be our own unique event to fit our community.

Our goal at Forest Grove GardenWalk is to continue growing our community open gardens, developing walkable clusters of open gardens in different neighborhoods of Forest Grove.

The Forest Grove GardenWalk will always be a free, non-commercial event that is open to all.


The day before the Gardenwalk, a link to digital maps will be posted here.
Paper maps will be available at a designated location each day.


Spanish Language Interpreter

We would like to have Spanish language translations of our printed materials to increase our reach in the community.

Gardener Guides

Help recruit new gardens for the GardenWalk, work with our garden hosts to develop descriptions of their gardens, and deliver/pickup signs before and after the open gardens.


We want photos of our event! Whether you can take photos on day, or both!

Web Development

Are you good with making websites? We really could use that!

Contact Us

Contact Form